JLTP 026: Lip Buzzing for Trumpet Players

August 21, 2020 jeff lewis

In this session of the Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I talk about the benefits of lip buzzing, how it can lead to proper lip and playing formation, and how it can cure the problem of puffy cheeks when playing. Also, I go over a free lip buzzing exercise and play along (which can also be played on the mouthpiece) available on my website.

Download the free pdf of the “Lip Buzzing Exercise” and free play-a-long track here;

Lip Buzzing Exercise

Lip buzzing tutorial on YouTube;

Items mentioned in this podcast

James Stamp Warm Ups and Studies for Trumpet

The Art of Brass Playing by Philip Farkas

Podcast on iTunes; https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-jeff-lewis-trumpet-podcast/id1333984769?mt=2&at=1000lHQ6

Podcast on Google Play; https://play.google.com/music/m/Ijx7f6cf7ftaea7ffawmlt7r6wq?t=The_Jeff_Lewis_Trumpet_Podcast

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